Avgerinopoulou message on the occasion of this year’s commemoration, paying tribute to the victims of the Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Genocides

Avgerinopoulou message on the occasion of this year’s commemoration, paying tribute to the victims of the Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Genocides

Οn the occasion of this year’s commemoration, paying tribute to the victims of the Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Genocides, organized and hosted by Panthracian Union of America ‘Orpheus’ and supported by the Hellenic League of America, outside the United Nations in New York, Ms. Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou sent the following message:

Dearest friends and colleagues,

I join my voice with you here today, while you pay tribute to the victims of the Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Genocides. It is time to remind to the whole world, as represented by the United Nations, that these genocides occurred and they constitute crimes against humanity.

The recognition of the Genocides is an important act both for Hellenism all over the world and for the international community that should be largely supported. Such recognition will promote the rule of international law and will restore the historical truth and international justice. Most of all, it will educate future generations through the lessons of history and protect them from suffering under any similar devastating experience in the future.

Today, we honor those who passed away and we protect those that will be born.

My warmest greetings

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