Statement on World Water Day 2017

Statement on World Water Day 2017

The Chair of the Circle of the Mediterranean Parliamentarians on Sustainable Development (COMPSUD), Vice Chair of the Steering Committee of the Global Water Partnership Organization” (GWPO) and f. Chairman of the Standing Committee for the Environment of the Hellenic Parliament and its Subcommittee of Water Resources, and Director of the European Institute of Law, Science & Technology, Dr. Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, made the following statement on Water.

“In 1993, the UN General Assembly officially declared March 22 as World Water Day. The World Water Day is celebrated with the UN initiative and the participation of governments and cooperating institutions, including the Global Water Partnership Organization. Every year, March 22 reminds us that, although there has been some progress, we must take additional action to address the water crisis. Today in developing countries there are still 663 million people living without safe access to water, without water near their homes, and spend hundreds of hours to fetch water for their families. At the same time, both developing and developed countries need to step up decontamination efforts. Water resources are often polluted, even drinking water, and we must put our efforts into the decontamination process in order to protect public health and the ecological balance of ecosystems. Furthermore, the global water resources are being under pressure of climate change, resulting in strong water shortages to occur in many parts of the world. Let us not forget that water is a source of life, a cooperation and equitable development tool. The protection and sustainable management of water resources will determine the future of millions of people around the world in the coming years. The challenges -due to overexploitation, pollution and climate change- are great. The intensification of international cooperation, the emphasis on new financial instruments for the environment and adaptation to climate change, the development and use of innovative technologies, as well as sound management and desalination projects are aspects on which the international community should focus. The Global Sustainability Goal No 6 is related to access to safe water for all and adequate sanitation by 2030. Together we must succeed.”

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